Start: Notes Konserwatorski, ISSN 2657-3083, DOI 10.36155/NK
Biblioteka Narodowa - strona główna
Notes Konserwatorski
2022 Vol. 24



  • Narodowy Zasób Biblioteczny w Bibliotece Elbląskiej. Dotychczasowe działania związane z opracowaniem, ochroną, promocją i udostępnianiem oraz spojrzenie w przyszłość, s. 15–38 / The National Library Resource at the Elbląg Library. Development, preservation, promotion and access so far, and a glimpse of the future, p. 15–38

    Dorota Jutrzenka-Supryn

    The historic collection of the Elblag Library is one of the most valuable book collections in public libraries in Poland, its content and form representing high cognitive, source, historical and scientific values. The emergence of the book collection is inseparable from the history of the city of Elbląg and its inhabitants; yet, its importance is nationwide. From over 46 thousand volumes, a particularly valuable collection of early printed books and manuscripts amounting to 9,022 volumes was selected and included in the National Library Resource. The possession of such a valuable heritage entails only honour but, above all, responsibility. The article outlines all the procedures to which the collection was subjected. The issues discussed include its scientific study, the creation of a comprehensive information model regarding the book collection, the problems associated with its preservation, digitization, and its promotion and popularization in a broad sense. In the conclusion, concerns about the future of the National Library Resource are expressed.

  • Pismo i hebrajska książka w średniowiecznej kulturze polskich Żydów, s. 39–56 / Literacy and Hebrew books in the mediaeval culture of Polish Jews, p. 39–56

    Hanna Zaremska

    The documentation available to historians does not allow the assessment of Jews’ literacy in mediaeval Poland. The picture emerging from random information indicates the importance of literacy in the work of kahal authorities, in relations with the Christian authorities and in economic life. The strongest sign of the literacy of Polish Jews is the existence of Hebrew books. Owing to the direction of Jewish migrations, the appearance of Ashkenazi codices, primarily brought from the Empire, is significant to the mediaeval history of our region.

    In the database of the National Library of Israel, which includes handwritten Hebrew codices (or fragments thereof) created between the 10th and the late 15th century, 361 codices of Ashkenazi type (13% of the entire collection) are recorded. The biggest part of them (44%) are manuscripts related to the Law and midrashim, followed by the Torah with commentaries.

    In the course of the international project Books within Books, over 100 fragments of mediaeval Hebrew manuscripts were found in the collections of the Jagiellonian Library. Among them, there are two cards removed from the Pesach Haggadah, books intended to be read in the family circle during Pesach (codices: 1582 and 1333). Fragments of the Haggadah also found their way, in the form of 11 strips securing the binding of the codex, to the Poznań Court Register dating back to the early 15th century.


  • Uczytelnienie zapisków Marcela Nadjary’ego, więźnia obozu Auschwitz-Birkenau, metodą obrazowania multispektralnego, s. 59–75 / Restoring the legibility of the notes of Marcel Nadjary, prisoner of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp, using multispectral imaging, p. 59–75

    Tomasz Łojewski, Mirosław Maciaszczyk, Wojciech Płosa

    In the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum (PMAB) are found the notes of members of the Sonderkommando, discovered near the remains of the gas chambers in the former Auschwitz II-Birkenau Camp. These notes, in the form of letters or longer papers, are largely illegible or barely legible due to the damage (mainly caused by contact with water). Over the last years, PMAB has made several attempts to use multispectral imaging in order to make them legible. This article presents the results of the latest research on the notes of Marceli Nadjary, a member of the Sonderkommando, found in 1980 and consisting of twelve pages of text written in Greek. The analysis used a multispectral imaging system to obtain images at 12 wavelengths (from 380 to 940 nm), as well as fluorescence images. The images were analyzed with the use of statistical classification methods, which allow to extract elements found in many component images of the data matrix. This allows the creation of new images that do not correspond to any single wavelength, in which the text elements that are looked for become visible. Among others, the Hoku programme – a new IT tool created for multispectral imaging – was used for the analysis.

  • Making the manuscript of Marcel Nadjary, a prisoner of Auschwitz‑Birkenau camp, legible using a multispectral imaging method, p. 77–91

    Tomasz Łojewski, Mirosław Maciaszczyk, Wojciech Płosa

    The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum has the manuscripts of the members of Sonderkommando in its collection. These manuscripts were found near the remains of gas chambers on the site of the former Auschwitz II-Birkenau camp. These manuscripts, in the form of letters or longer notes, are largely illegible or barely legible due to damage (mainly caused by contact with water). In recent years, the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum has made several attempts to use multispectral imaging (MSI) to make the notes legible. This publication presents the results of the latest research on the notes of Marcel Nadjary, a member of the Sonderkommando, which were found in 1980 and consist of 12 pages of text written in the Greek language. In the analysis, an MSI system was used to capture a series of images over 12 wavelengths (from 380 to 940 nm) as well as fluorescence images. The images were analysed using statistical classification methods to find overlapping text elements from many component images of the data matrix. This allowed new images to be created that did not correspond to any single wavelength but that allowed the text elements we were looking for to become visible. In the data analysis, we used the Hoku package – a new IT tool created for the needs of MSI.

    Making the manuscript of Marcel Nadjary, a prisoner of AuschwitzBirkenau camp, legible using a multispectral imaging method

  • Zarys historyczny papiernictwa japońskiego na przełomie XIX i XX wieku w aspekcie metod produkcji papieru stosowanego do odbitek graficznych, s. 93–134 / An outline of the history of Japanese papermaking at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries regarding paper production methods used for prints. Part I, p. 93–134

    Ewa Sobiczewska

    The article presents technological changes in the traditional methods of making paper in Japan after the opening of the country to the influence of Western industry after 1858. Particular attention is paid to the phenomenon of gradually abandoning the production of washi paper. Information from historical sources and contemporary studies is also analyzed, which allows the characterization of the paper used to prepare woodcut prints in the Meiji and Taisho¯ eras. Paper samples found in collections around the world are described, and can be treated as reference material for the identification of paper products of unknown provenance.


  • Nietypowe obiekty w praktyce konserwatora papieru. Zarys problematyki konserwacji i restauracji dwóch fotografii srebrowo‑żelatynowych na podłożu płóciennym, kolorowanych farbami olejnymi, s. 137–163 / Atypical objects in the practice of a paper conservator. An outline of the issues related to the conservation and restoration of two oil-coloured silver-gelatine photographs on canvas, p. 137–163

    Paulina Miąsik, Izabela Zając

    The article presents technological changes in the traditional methods of making paper in Japan after the opening of the country to the influence of Western industry after 1858. Particular attention is paid to the phenomenon of gradually abandoning the production of washi paper. Information from historical sources and contemporary studies is also analyzed, which allows the characterization of the paper used to prepare woodcut prints in the Meiji and Taisho¯ eras. Paper samples found in collections around the world are described, and can be treated as reference material for the identification of paper products of unknown provenance.

    This project was the subject of a master’s thesis prepared in the years 2019–2021 at the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.


  • Opracowanie i ocena elastycznej metody montażu obiektów na pergaminie, s.167–210 / Development and evaluation of a flexible mounting method of objects on parchment, p. 167–210

    Aneta Kukuczka-Szarzec, Dorota Dzik-Kruszelnicka

    Safe stabilization of the structure and appropriate temperature and humidity conditions are of key importance in the damage prevention of parchment historical artefacts, whether in the form of a leaf or a sheet. This material has a high ability to absorb moisture from the environment, the influence of which may bring about deformation and disortion of the substrate. The course and nature of these changes result from the heterogeneous nature of the parchment, which is specific for each object of this type. The further state of preservation of the object is determined by limiting the possibility of movement of the collagen material and an attempt to prevent their uncontrolled development by ensuring stable environmental conditions and mounting appropriate for the object. The choice of the stabilization method should be made individually for each case, especially when the parchment carries additional layers, e.g. painting layers. The solution applied in museum practice which uses springy polyester strips seems to be a method that takes into account the specific features of this group of objects.

    The key objective of the project presented below was to refine the method in several aspects, and then evaluate its effectiveness in variable conditions of relative humidity (RH). In the first stage, springy polyester strips were prepared. Then, tests were carried out to choose durable materials, selected papers and adhesives, which are components of the flexible mounting. The data obtained allowed the selection of the most effective combination for the presented mounting method, which was used to prepare a mock-up montage. These, in turn, were subjected to conditioning in fluctuating conditions of relative humidity (RH). The obtained results enabled the application of the presented method in the course of conservation-restoration of the Portrait of the Brothers Herman and Robert von Alvensleben, pastel on parchment, collections of the Museum of the Castle in Pszczyna (inv. no. MP/S/3289).

    The completed research project proved the effectiveness of the flexible method of mounting objects on parchment, and thus may be a reference point for other conservators or determine further development of research in this area.

  • Pamiątka wytrwania niezmożonego ducha. Gazetki ścienne ze zbiorów specjalnych Centralnej Biblioteki Wojskowej im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego w Warszawie – konserwacja rękopisów, s. 211–243 / A memento of perseverance and unbeaten spirit. Conservation of manuscripts: wall newspapers from the special collections of the Marshal Józef Piłsudski Central Military Library in Warsaw, p. 211–243

    Marta Kawka

    The article deals with problems related to the conservation of objects which, due to how they were e, can be classified as new manuscripts1. These are wall newspapers from the special collections of the Marshal Józef Piłsudski Central Military Library in Warsaw. They were prepared by soldiers and for soldiers in the years 1941–1942 in the areas of the USSR where the Polish Army was stationed. The collection consists of 59 items of diverse sizes. These newspapers were made by hand on paper and cardboard, using different media. The state of preservation of the objects varies depending on the type of substrate, and mechanical, chemical and microbiological damage to them. A significant problem were the previous interventions in the objects, such as gluing the tears with wrapping paper and adhesive tapes, and strengthening the substrate of the newspapers by incompetently gluing them with canvass. All the types of paper the objects were made of were characterized by a lowered pH, which resulted in their brittleness and darkening. Some of them displayed signs of microbial activity. Therefore, the collection required conservation. The main goal was to impede the damage, undo the previous procedures that were harmful to the objects and replace them with materials dedicated to paper maintenance, as well as to remove the lining fabric from the back of the newspapers. The text presents several examples of conservation of wall newspapers: two objects on paper and their reactions to the treatments, three objects on cardboard (including two with varying degrees of microbiological destruction), and a complex object with mechanical damage. A separate issue to be solved was the provision of protection suitable for this type of objects.


NOTY O AUTORACH, S. 269–272 / ABOUT AUTHORS, p. 269–272